Animated, Rosetta mission the story
These animations are brilliant, fun to watch and give a good explanation about the Rosetta Philae mission. Once upon a time Waking up…
Animated, Rosetta mission the story Lees verder »
These animations are brilliant, fun to watch and give a good explanation about the Rosetta Philae mission. Once upon a time Waking up…
Animated, Rosetta mission the story Lees verder »
Telling a future story about terra forming placing the Rosetta mission in a historic perspective, showing how it ambitious mission is a vital link in both understanding the universe and driving human development.
Ambition the film, Rosetta mission, Lees verder »
Rosetta’s lander Philae is due make a soft landing on comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko on 12 November. Rosetta, Philae and the comet all have a name’s, but the planned landing spot is just name landing place “J”. As a lot of people remember Amstrong’s words “Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed”, naming a historic landing
Rosetta Philae landing place naming contest (now closed) Lees verder »